Game Adaptation: Coloured Props

Using the props that I have previously created I decided to take them into photoshop and add color. This would help identify what material that prop is made from and give me an idea of how the finished prop would look. For the brooms, I mainly used browns so that it looked like wood as this is the common material used for creating brooms. As for the cups, I decided to use a range of different colors, each for different purposes. For the wine glass, I made it appear like it was made from gold as if this cup would be used by the richer character. I was inspired to d this by existing cups such as chalices. The other two bottles I wanted to be made out of glass, however, I didn’t want them to be see through as this would negate from the texture. Typically beer bottles are a dull brown color. I felt like this suited one of my bottles since it had the typical beer bottle shape. As for the other bottle I wanted it to appear more magical as potions would be kept within this. therefore I used green so that it looked like a high-quality glass.

Reflecting on this these coloured props help show me what materials I think they would be made out of and help visualize them within a scenario. I do feel like the colouring on some of the props could be improved if created again in a larger scale with more detail.



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